Whats New: Update on the Fabian Studio

Here is the newest update on Fabian Studio. It is also the text on my Google Plus About page.  Tell me what you think about it. Write me at www.facebook.com/theartfabiancompany.

Here Goes:

Kathy Fabian (people who know her call her K.V.) owns her own Art Studio. The Fabian Studio (formerly the Art Fabian Company) compiles art collections for wealth-oriented collectors. Collections favor treasures of all kinds from beautiful people to jewels and more.

Whats New:

The Fabian Studio has been upgrading our Pinterest site. We now have the Fall Series online. we are working to get our financial and physical shape A-Okay. To that effect, we have been collection words of wisdom to put on Post-it notes from an app called Headspace.  These words have been put on randomly on several boards. They might impress you too.  You might have to work for it but I invite you to Check out whats happening at https://www.pinterest.ca/ArtFabianCo/

We have been getting quite a lot of attention lately our website at https://www.facebook.com/WhatKindofMillionaireareYou/. Why don't you come down and see if you like it as much as our fans.  You also get to vote for your favorite type of millionaire. Just like the article that he/she is featured in.

That's it.  Write me your thoughts about my work by going to any one of the links in the article.


