About the McIntyre Medical Building, the vertical cliff, And How I was healed

The McIntyre Medical Building was transported from the English coast and rebuilt on a particualarly abandoned place in the City of Montreal, Canada. It was also very difficult to get to because it was on a cliff.  But McIntyre was a true scientest and he was not to be daunted with problems like that.

as a young woman, not for the first or only time, I was badly beaten up and left for dead somewhere isolated.  This time it happened to be at the foot of the cliff that had the McIntyre Medical Buidling perched way on top.

I was discovered by a very pretty, surprisingly sophisticated, young mother with a couple of small children in tow. She sported a very expensive hairdo that seemed out of place with the isolation of the locale and probably my ill-humour (haaing been quite injured).

After a quick conversation onthe phone, the woman, accompagnied by the children took me to a kind of a car that looked like the gondola that took wealthy skiers up to peaks on the Swiss Alps. In the Alps a gondola like this would be hanging from a cable.

But much to my surprise the gondola in Montreal had a couple of robotic legs that were quite capable of going up a rather vertical and rocky cliff. It must have not been a very comfortable ride to me because I remember being surprised that the machine didn't turn me upside down on my head.

But up the cliff we went and we were introduced to the company of Mr. McIntrye and with his astute knowledge, my wounds were tended to and healed.
